Monday, January 25, 2016

Sweet Treats Sight Words Freebie

While perusing the Valentine's aisle at Walmart, I ran across the most adorable candy holders. I purchased three packs and immediately decided to create sight words centers.
How To Create a Sweet Treats Sight Words Center:

1. Number each candy holder.

2. Write the words of your choice on each candy holder. (side note: I am going  to             attempt cutting the sight words from vinyl with my Cricut. I'll let you know how that turns out.)

3. Stuff each candy holder with letters to spell the word written on the outside of the candy holder. 
I created a recording sheet for my students to place in their writing journal when completed. 
Click the picture below to grab the Sweet Treats recording sheet FREEBIE. 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Should I add my coworkers on Facebook?

Not only no...but HELL to the no. Do not feel obligated to add coworkers. Am I friends with coworkers? A few. A select few. A minuscule, micro, select few. And for some of my colleagues added, I customized my privacy settings to limit the amount of my personal life to be judged. 

For coworkers added, who initially appeared harmless, but later proved otherwise...DELETED!!

My of charge, refrain from adding colleagues altogether and here's why:

1. People love to talk sh*t!
People love to talk behind your back and smile in your face. I guess I missed Jesus' memo about job openings. Apparently someone granted my Facebook friends the authority to judge me, and I doubt that someone was Jesus. 

So...if you constantly publish posts highlighting drunken shenanigans or if you post plans of happy hour intoxication (every week or sometimes in my case, every day...JK), I guarantee your colleagues gather around the water cooler to judge & talk sh*t about your bouts with alcoholism. If you constantly publish posts regarding how much you HATE Monday and you'd rather be somewhere other than work, I guarantee some shady snitch is running to your supervisor to parade your post in your supervisor's face. #SNITCHESGETSTITCHES (LOL. JK)
2. People get offended by EVERYTHING!
The one thing I will never understand...I offend you, but yet you continue to follow me on Facebook. Please explain the logic behind that. For some individuals, being offended is their job. Personally, I rarely discuss the following topics on Facebook: politics, child rearing, religion, sexual preference, etc. It boggles my mind how people get enraged over the most inconsequential topics that bear no relation to them. #getoveryourself So, if ( like me) you tend to post offensive material containing profane language, think twice before friending your "holier-than-thou-stick-up-the-a** coworker. 

3. People really want to be friends...
A Facebook friendship, does not equate a REAL friendship. On occasion, colleagues comment on my Facebook exploits and suggest we "hangout." thanks. I  look like a "good time" on Facebook ( I really am. Like Kesha said, "The party don't start 'til I walk in."), but I keep my circle of acquaintances (or as I like to call them my Partners-In-Crime) small.
The invaluable free advice provided above stems form personal experience. You live and you learn. Whenever possible, I make every attempt to separate my professional and personal life. If I do decide to add colleagues on Facebook, I add them on a case-by-case basis.  

Word of advice, if you are "that teacher" who wants to be every one's friend  & you accept friend request from colleagues because you don't want to hurt their feelings...grow a pair. Truth be told, I experience awkward moments with coworkers after I receive a request and ignore or decline it. I imagine my rejected colleague thinking, "Who does that biyotch think she is? I know she saw my friend request!"  I did. I ignored it. #girlbye

But like I tell my sons, everyone is not your friend. 

"Everybody isn't your friend. Just because they hang around you and laugh with you doesn't mean they're for you. Just because they say they got got your back, doesn't mean they won't stab you in it. People pretend well. Jealousy sometimes doesn't live far. So know your circle. At the end of the day real situations expose fake people so pay attention."  -Trent Shelton

If you feel the need to network with colleagues,  I suggest LinkedIn. 

Are you friends with coworkers? Your boss?